Rental Equipment$/week
wetsuit 5mm long46
mask (& snorkel)9
Full equipment (incl. dive computer)177
Full equipment (excl. dive computer)148
Cylinders (& tec/rebreathers)$/week
15l upgrade57
3l pony46
12l sidemount set100
manifold twinset85
12l stage with rigging51
10l stage with rigging51
6l stage with rigging51
stage regulator51
rebreather cylinder set (2x 2l/3l)97
Sofnalime (only after advance notice)on request
NITROX & other gasses$
package for the week (12l/15l)100
single fill (12l/15l)8
package for the week (twinset/sidemount)150
single fill (twinset/sidemount)12
O2 package rebreather60
single O2 fill (>40%)12
other gasseson request
CoursePADIPADI Materials e-learning/bookSDI/TDISDI/TDI Materials
Advanced Open Water285$133$/145$228$80$
Nitrox (including the Nitrox package for the week)182$133$/113$171$80$
Any other specialty (please inquire for available courses on your specific itinerary)182$95/113$$171$80$
Solo Diver (SDI ONLY)--375$ (incl. pony & stage reg)80$
Tec 40 (PADI) or Advanced nitrox (TDI)456$171$513$80$
Tec 45 (PADI) or Deco procedures (TDI)513$171$ (46$ PIC only)542$80$
Tec 50 (PADI) or extended range (TDI)593$171$ (46$ PIC only)627$80$

Wrecks of the North

North & Brothers

North & Tiran


Shark Weeks

Daedalus, Rocky & Zabargad

Daedalus & St. Johns

Brothers, Daedalus & Elphinstone